由于强降雨,康涅狄格州从周六早上到周日早上将面临洪水警戒。 Connecticut faces a flood watch from Saturday morning to Sunday morning due to heavy rainfall.
由于预计周六下午到夜间会有大雨,康涅狄格州全境都发布了洪水警戒,从周六早上开始一直持续到周日早上。 A flood watch is issued for all of Connecticut, starting Saturday morning and lasting till Sunday morning due to heavy rainfall expected from Saturday afternoon through night. NBC 康涅狄格州风暴追踪气象学家预测降雨量为 1 到 3 英寸。 The NBC Connecticut StormTracker meteorologists predict one to three inches of rainfall. 美国国家气象局警告康涅狄格州北部地区周六可能会出现雨雪混合天气,导致道路湿滑。 The National Weather Service warns of a possible wintry mix of rain and snow in northern parts of Connecticut on Saturday, leading to slippery roads.