美国国家气象局警告,由于气温上升、西风和干燥气团,康涅狄格州存在高度火灾危险。 National Weather Service warns of high fire danger in Connecticut due to rising temperatures, west winds, and dry air mass.
美国国家气象局警告称,由于气温上升和西风,康涅狄格州火灾风险加剧。 National Weather Service warns of elevated fire concerns in Connecticut due to rising temperatures and west winds. 由于 3 月 17 日气温为 50 多度左右,森林火灾危险等级为“高”,新伦敦东部和卡斯特温德姆县的森林火灾危险为“中度”,所有其他地区的火灾危险为“高”。 As low to mid-50s temperatures hit on March 17, the forest fire danger is classified as high, with moderate risk in eastern New London and castern Windham counties, and high in all other areas. 干燥的气团和时速 20-25 英里的风导致哈特福德、温莎洛克斯、尤尼恩、弗农、普特南和威利曼提克的火灾问题加剧。 A dry air mass and winds of 20-25 mph contribute to the elevated fire concerns in Hartford, Windsor Locks, Union, Vernon, Putnam, and Willimantic.