康涅狄格州的洪水导致疏散、危险的驾驶条件和道路封闭。 Connecticut floods lead to evacuations, hazardous driving conditions, and road closures.
康涅狄格州的大雨导致多个城镇发生洪水、泥石流和建筑物疏散,导致危险的驾驶条件和道路封闭。 Connecticut's heavy rain has caused flooding, mudslides, and building evacuations in several cities and towns, resulting in hazardous driving conditions and road closures. 紧急事务官员警告说,不要开车穿过被洪水淹没的道路,而且没有估计重新开放道路的时间。 Emergency officials warn against driving through flooded roadways, and there's no estimated time for reopening the roads. 由于洪水泛滥,丹伯里的多座建筑物,包括主街的格伦公寓,已被疏散。 Multiple buildings in Danbury, including the Glen Apartments on Main Street, have been evacuated due to flooding.