墨西哥的Cuatro Cienegas沙漠绿洲因农业活动而迅速失水,自1985年以来已有40%的地表水池流失。 Mexico's Cuatro Cienegas desert oasis loses water rapidly due to agricultural activities, with 40% of surface pools lost since 1985.
墨西哥重要的沙漠绿洲,位于科阿韦拉州的Cuatro Cienegas,由于农业活动(主要是苜蓿作物)正在迅速失水。 Mexico's vital desert oasis, Cuatro Cienegas, in Coahuila state, is losing water rapidly due to agricultural activities, primarily alfalfa crops. 自 1985 年以来,40% 的地表水池和泻湖已经消失,25 年内取水量增加了 400%。 Since 1985, 40% of surface pools and lagoons have been lost, with water extractions increasing 400% in 25 years. 科学家警告说,如果没有恢复计划,该地区可能会遭受灾难性破坏,并失去对地球气候历史和火星生命潜力的重要见解。 Scientists warn that without a recovery plan, the area could suffer catastrophic damage and lose crucial insights into Earth's climate history and potential for life on Mars.