气候变化导致草丛蔓延加剧,导致美国野火规模更大、速度更快。 Increased grass prevalence due to climate change fuels larger, faster wildfires in the US.
一种分布广泛、适应性强的植物正在加剧美国大规模、快速蔓延的野火,气候变化导致草变得更加普遍。 A widespread, resilient plant is fueling a rise in large, fast-moving wildfires in the US, with grass becoming more prevalent due to climate change. 草地火灾虽然通常不如森林火灾严重且持续时间较短,但蔓延速度更快,并且超出了消防资源,从而加剧了野火灾害的风险。 Grass fires, although typically less intense and shorter-lived than forest fires, can spread quicker and outrun firefighting resources, exacerbating the risk of wildfire disasters. 由于草几乎存在于任何环境中,其日益流行导致更大、更频繁的火灾,造成生态破坏的恶性循环。 With grass present in almost any environment, its increased prevalence is contributing to larger, more frequent fires, creating a vicious cycle of ecological destruction.