CA Santa Maria附近的植被火灾烧毁了42英亩土地,疏散被降格为警告。 Vegetation fire near Santa Maria, CA, burns 42 acres, with evacuations downgraded to warnings.
加利福尼亚州Santa Maria附近的一处植被火灾,烧毁了约15-20英亩土地,消防人员阻止了火灾。 A vegetation fire near Santa Maria, California, burned about 15-20 acres and was stopped by fire crews. 最初下令撤离,但后来降为警告。 Initially, evacuations were ordered but later downgraded to warnings. Tepusquet峡谷被暂时关闭。 Tepusquet Canyon was closed temporarily. 火灾危险是由于干燥条件造成的,潜在燃烧面积高达100英亩,尽管大约达到42英亩。 The fire danger was due to dry conditions, and the potential burn area was up to 100 acres, though it reached around 42 acres. 更详细的资料一旦提供,将予以提供。 More details will be provided as they become available.