美国的野火因气候变化、威胁生态系统和供水而损害森林恢复。 Wildfires in the U.S. harm forest recovery due to climate change, threatening ecosystems and water supplies.
美国的野火越来越具有破坏性,森林由于气候变化而难以恢复。 Wildfires in the U.S. are increasingly devastating forests, which struggle to recover due to climate change. 关键的挑战包括种子收集不足、苗圃能力和经过培训的再种植劳动力,许多地区不可能自然再生。 Key challenges include insufficient seed collection, nursery capacity, and trained labor for replanting, with many areas unlikely to regenerate naturally. 更大、更猛烈的火灾会摧毁种子树,并造成太大而无法恢复的火灾痕迹。 Larger, intense fires destroy seed trees and create burn scars too vast for recovery. 这一趋势威胁到供水和生态系统,促使研究人员探索新的再种植战略。 This trend threatens water supplies and ecosystems, prompting researchers to explore new replanting strategies.