康涅狄格州州长宣布进入紧急状态,因为严酷的火灾天气条件和几天没有降雨预报。 Connecticut Governor declares state of emergency due to critical fire weather conditions and no rain forecast for days.
康涅狄格州州长内德·拉蒙特宣布进入紧急状态,因为严酷的火灾天气条件,预计至少七至十天不会下雨。 Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has declared a state of emergency due to critical fire weather conditions, with no rain expected for at least seven to ten days. 这一决定是在沉睡山发生重大灌木火灾和全州发生几起较小的火灾之后作出的。 This decision follows a significant brush fire at Lamentation Mountain and several smaller fires statewide. 宣言为应急管理提供资源,以处理这些火灾。 The declaration provides resources for emergency management to address these fires. 强烈敦促居民避免在火灾风险加剧的情况下在户外焚烧。 Residents are strongly urged to avoid outdoor burning amid heightened fire risks.