北卡罗来纳州由于温和的西风和低湿度而面临更大的火灾风险。 North Carolina faces heightened fire risks due to mild westerly winds and low humidity.
三合会地区由于温和的西风,气温正在上升,随着风吹干植被,可能增加火灾风险。 The Triad region is experiencing a rise in temperatures due to mild westerly winds, which may increase fire risks as the winds dry out vegetation. 北卡罗来纳州气候办公室警告各县的火灾风险较高。 The North Carolina State Climate Office warns of high fire risks across local counties. 周五预期的暴风雨系统可能有助于降低这些风险。 A storm system expected on Friday may help lower these risks. 由于暴风和低湿度,国家气象局向北卡罗来纳州中部部分地区发出了火灾危险警报,建议居民避免户外焚烧,并极其谨慎地使用火源。 The National Weather Service has issued fire danger alerts for parts of central North Carolina due to gusty winds and low humidity levels, advising residents to avoid outdoor burning and exercise extreme caution with fire sources.