俄罗斯战争流亡者将桑拿浴室和薄饼带到布宜诺斯艾利斯。 Russian war exiles bring banyas and blinis to Buenos Aires.
俄罗斯战争流亡者伊利亚·加法罗夫和纳迪亚·加法洛娃带着两个女儿从符拉迪沃斯托克搬到了阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,加入了自乌克兰入侵以来俄罗斯向拉丁美洲移民的浪潮。 Russian war exiles Ilia Gafarov and Nadia Gafarova moved from Vladivostok to Buenos Aires, Argentina with their two daughters, joining a wave of Russian migration to Latin America since the Ukraine invasion. 他们计划在布宜诺斯艾利斯开设一家传统的俄罗斯桑拿浴室,或称“banya”,并申请公民身份。 They plan to open a traditional Russian sauna, or "banya", in Buenos Aires and apply for citizenship. 自入侵以来,拉丁美洲国家已向俄罗斯人授予近 9,000 个临时或永久居留权,而 2020 年这一数字为 1,000 个。 Since the invasion, Latin American countries have granted almost 9,000 temporary or permanent residences to Russians, up from 1,000 in 2020.