斯蒂芬·沃龙佐夫帮助6 000多名乌克兰人逃避俄罗斯的检查,逃离被占领土。 Stefan Vorontsov helps over 6,000 Ukrainians evade Russian checks to flee occupied territories.
史蒂芬·沃龙佐夫领导人类组织,帮助6 000多名乌克兰人逃离俄罗斯占领的领土。 Stefan Vorontsov, leading the organization Humanity, has helped over 6,000 Ukrainians flee Russian-occupied territories. 被疏散者必须经过俄罗斯, 面临严格的检查, 他们可能因为亲乌克兰的观点, 诸如社交媒体文章或乌克兰国旗等, Evacuees must pass through Russia, facing rigorous checks where they could be detained for signs of pro-Ukrainian views, like social media posts or the Ukrainian flag. 沃龙佐夫帮助制造虚假叙述并确保手机中没有罪证,以增加安全逃脱的机会。 Vorontsov aids in creating false narratives and ensuring phones are cleared of incriminating evidence to increase the chances of a safe escape.