调查发现白俄罗斯边境附近的俄罗斯拘留营,2022年乌克兰人在那里遭到虐待。 Investigation uncovers Russian detention camp near Belarus border where Ukrainians were mistreated in 2022.
调查显示,在Naroulia白俄罗斯-乌克兰边境附近有一个俄罗斯军事拘留营,乌克兰平民和士兵在那里受到审讯、虐待,并可能遭受酷刑。 Investigation reveals a Russian military detention camp near the Belarusian-Ukrainian border in Naroulia, where Ukrainian civilians and soldiers were interrogated, mistreated, and possibly tortured. 该营地在2022年活跃,令人对白俄罗斯在政府拥有的土地上活动时在战争罪中的潜在作用感到关切。 The camp, active in 2022, raises concerns about Belarus's potential role in war crimes, as it operated on government-owned land. 人权团体谴责这一设施,指出它与俄罗斯部队更广泛的战争罪行相一致。 Human rights groups condemn the facility, noting it aligns with broader war crimes by Russian forces.