马萨诸塞州前交通官员肖恩·麦卡锡 (Shawn McCarthy) 因 2012 年在他的标记巡洋舰兜风期间强奸两名妇女而被定罪。 Former Massachusetts transit officer, Shawn McCarthy, convicted of raping two women in 2012 during a joyride in his marked cruiser.
前马萨诸塞州交通警察肖恩·麦卡锡 (Shawn McCarthy) 因在 2012 年执勤时让两名妇女乘坐他标记的巡洋舰兜风而被判强奸两名妇女。 A former Massachusetts transit police officer, Shawn McCarthy, has been convicted of raping two women in 2012 after offering them a joyride in his marked cruiser while on duty. 麦卡锡因三项强奸罪被判有罪,并在判决后被下令拘留。 McCarthy was found guilty on three counts of rape and has been ordered held after the verdict. 受害者当时都只有 20 岁出头,当时他们正在波士顿喝酒,在 MBTA 水族馆站外遇到了麦卡锡。 The victims, both in their early 20s at the time, had been drinking in Boston when they encountered McCarthy outside the Aquarium MBTA station.