前巴尔的摩军官James Weems Jr.被判犯有强奸和性虐待一名10岁儿童的罪行。 Former Baltimore officer James Weems Jr. was convicted of rape and sexual abuse of a 10-year-old.
前巴尔的摩警官和日托车司机James Weems Jr. 被巴尔的摩县陪审团裁定犯有六项罪行,包括强奸一名未成年人和性虐待一名10岁女童的二级强奸和性虐待。 James Weems Jr., a former Baltimore Police officer and daycare van driver, was found guilty by a Baltimore County jury on six counts, including second-degree rape and sexual abuse of a minor, involving a 10-year-old girl. 虐待发生于2020年3月至2022年7月期间。 The abuse took place between March 2020 and July 2022. Weems被指控操纵受害者并展示她的色情制品。 Weems was accused of manipulating the victim and showing her pornography. 他将在1月8日被判刑,并一直关押到那时。 He will be sentenced on January 8 and remains in custody until then.