3月初,我国无缝钢管、汽油、煤炭、化肥等生产资料价格较2月下旬上涨,其中50种主要商品中有27种价格上涨。 In early March, China's capital goods prices, including seamless steel tubes, gasoline, coal, and fertilizer, increased compared to late February, with 27 of 50 major goods rising in price.
3月初,无缝钢管、汽油、煤炭、化肥等生产资料价格较2月底上涨,国家统计局监测的50种主要商品中有27种价格上涨。 China's capital goods prices, including seamless steel tubes, gasoline, coal, and fertilizer, saw an increase in early March compared to late February, with 27 of the 50 major goods monitored by the National Bureau of Statistics reporting higher prices. 数据显示,生猪价格也上涨4.4%。 Hog prices also rose by 4.4%, according to the data. 这些数字基于对中国 31 个省级地区 2,000 家批发商和分销商的调查。 These figures are based on surveys of 2,000 wholesalers and distributors across 31 provincial-level regions in China.