第四季度,家庭每可支配收入每增加一美元,就欠下 1.79 美元的债务:加拿大统计局。 Households owed $1.79 for every dollar of disposable income in Q4: Statistics Canada.
第四季度,加拿大统计局报告称,家庭每可支配收入一美元,就欠下 1.79 加元的债务,家庭信贷市场债务占可支配收入的比例连续第三个季度下降至 178.7%。 In Q4, Statistics Canada reported that households owed $1.79 for every dollar of disposable income, with household credit market debt as a proportion of disposable income decreasing for the third consecutive quarter to 178.7%. 这一下降是由于在此期间抵押贷款增长放缓。 This drop was due to slower growth in mortgage borrowing during the period. 主要受金融市场强劲推动,家庭总净资产增长近 2%,达到 16.4 万亿美元。 The total household net worth increased by almost 2% to $16.4 trillion, driven primarily by financial market strength.