威尔士拨款 256 万英镑用于修复 5 所 Raac 建筑面临倒塌风险的学校。 Wales allocates £2.56m for repairing 5 schools with Raac structures at risk of collapse.
威尔士已拨款 256 万英镑修复五所采用钢筋蒸压加气混凝土 (Raac) 结构的学校,这些学校面临倒塌的风险。 Wales has allocated £2.56 million to repair five schools with Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (Raac) structures, at risk of collapse. 威尔士拥有Raac的学校数量明显低于英格兰和苏格兰,教育和威尔士语言部长杰里米·迈尔斯将此归因于威尔士政府对学校的长期投资。 The number of Welsh schools with Raac is significantly lower than England and Scotland, which Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, attributes to the Welsh Government's long-term investment in schools. 这笔资金将用于确保学生有一个安全的学习环境。 The funding will be used to ensure a safe learning environment for students.