英国安格尔西Penrhos海岸公园度假村项目历时14年的运动赢得司法审查权;案件将在高等法院审理。 14-year campaign against Penrhos Coastal Park holiday village project in Anglesey, UK, wins right for judicial review; case to be heard in High Court.
英国安格尔西耗资 1 亿英镑的 Penrhos 海岸公园度假村项目历时 14 年的运动赢得了司法审查权。 14-year campaign against £100m Penrhos Coastal Park holiday village project in Anglesey, UK, wins right for judicial review. Save Penrhos 组织的案件将于今年晚些时候在高等法院审理。 The Save Penrhos group's case will be heard in High Court later this year. 如果成功,将需要提交新的规划申请,时间回到2016年该计划首次提出时。 If successful, a new planning application will be needed, returning to 2016 when the scheme was first proposed. 由于可能对珍稀红松鼠栖息的 27 英亩林地造成损害,该项目面临反对。 Project faces opposition due to potential harm to a 27-acre woodland home to rare red squirrels.