高等法院维持安格勒西委员会Penrhos沿海公园的100万英镑假日村庄批准。 High Court upholds Anglesey council's £100m holiday village approval at Penrhos Coastal Park.
高等法院支持安格勒西委员会批准在Penrhos沿海公园建造1亿英镑的度假村,允许建造500个旅馆,尽管反对派声称规划许可已经失效。 The High Court upheld Anglesey council's approval for a £100 million holiday village at Penrhos Coastal Park, allowing the construction of 500 lodges despite opposition claiming the planning permission had lapsed. 法院裁定,为使许可有效,已经取得了足够的进展。 The court ruled sufficient progress had been made to keep the permission valid. 开发商Land & Lake计划将该项目与景观结合起来,并维持公众获得大片林地和沿海自然保护区的机会。 The developer, Land & Lakes, plans to integrate the project with the landscape and maintain public access to extensive woodlands and a coastal nature reserve. 反对者正在考虑上诉。 Opponents are contemplating an appeal.