Parcs中心计划在Hawick附近建造第一个苏格兰假日村庄,创造1 200个就业机会。 Center Parcs plans to build its first Scottish holiday village near Hawick, creating 1,200 jobs.
Parcs中心计划在苏格兰建立第一个假日村庄,位于苏格兰边境Hawick附近。 Center Parcs plans to establish its first holiday village in Scotland, located near Hawick in the Scottish Borders. 350亿至4 000万英镑的项目将包括大约700个小旅馆,旨在创造大约1 200个长期工作。 The £350m-£400m project will feature approximately 700 lodges and aims to create around 1,200 permanent jobs. 开发将包括室内水公园和温泉疗养所等各种设施,同时开展广泛的植树造林工作,以加强当地生物多样性。 The development will include various amenities such as an indoor water park and a spa, alongside extensive afforestation efforts to enhance local biodiversity. 预计到2025年将提交一份规划申请,该村将在2028年开放。 A planning application is expected to be submitted by 2025, with the village set to open by 2028.