苏格兰企业在Loch Lomond附近延长了Flamingo Land的合同,允许对被拒绝的度假计划提出上诉。 Scottish Enterprise extends Flamingo Land's contract near Loch Lomond, allowing appeal against rejected resort plans.
苏格兰企业延长了Flaminggo Land对Loch Lomond附近土地的合同,允许他们上诉,拒绝与旅馆、水池和小屋一起建造大型度假胜地的计划。 Scottish Enterprise has extended Flamingo Land's contract for land near Loch Lomond, allowing them to appeal a rejection of plans for a large resort with hotels, a waterpark, and lodges. 批评者,包括MSPs Ross Greer和Jackie Baillie, 都因环境顾虑及公众强烈反对而反对这项发展。 Critics, including MSPs Ross Greer and Jackie Baillie, argue against the development due to environmental concerns and significant public opposition. 苏格兰企业指出,延长期限确保规划过程顺利完成。 Scottish Enterprise stated the extension ensures the planning process runs to completion.