2013年英国重申北极政策框架,强调尊重、合作和领导,解决地区变暖和野火问题。 2013 UK Arctic Policy Framework reaffirmed, emphasizing respect, cooperation, and leadership, addressing regional warming and wildfires.
英国极地地区大臣重申北极政策框架,强调尊重、合作和领导的指导原则不变。 UK Minister for the Polar Regions reaffirms Arctic Policy Framework, highlighting unchanged guiding principles of respect, cooperation, and leadership. 2013 年框架涉及北极的自然和地缘政治方面。 The 2013 Framework addresses both physical and geopolitical aspects of the Arctic. 巴伦支海区域变暖是全球平均水平的五到七倍,导致自 2018 年以来野火大幅增加,影响生计并危及生命。 Regional warming, five-to-seven times the global average in the Barents Sea, has led to a significant increase in wildfires since 2018, affecting livelihoods and endangering lives.