由于野火和永久冻土融化,目前排放更多碳的北极苔原正在加速气候变化。 The Arctic tundra, now emitting more carbon, is accelerating climate change due to wildfires and melting permafrost.
根据海洋大气署(NOAA)的2024年北极报告卡,北极苔原曾经是一个碳汇,现在由于野火增加和永久冻土融化,它正在排放更多的碳。 The Arctic tundra, once a carbon sink, is now emitting more carbon due to increased wildfires and melting permafrost, according to NOAA's 2024 Arctic Report Card. 这一转变正在加速气候变化,北极地区自1900年以来经历了第二温年,创下纪录。 This shift is accelerating climate change, with the Arctic experiencing its second-warmest year on record since 1900. 报告强调,迫切需要减少温室气体排放量,以减轻全球影响。 The report highlights the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global impacts.