俄罗斯和美国为了在北极加强军事存在而竞争,俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵助长了这种竞争。 Russia and the U.S. compete to boost military presence in the Arctic, fueled by Russia's Ukraine invasion.
在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的驱使下, 俄罗斯和美国正在竞争加强其在北极的军事存在。 Russia and the US are competing to strengthen their military presence in the Arctic, driven by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 俄罗斯拥有巨大的优势,拥有更大的防冰舰队和潜艇,而美国则正在加大北极地区安全努力和北约的支持力度。 Russia holds a significant advantage with a larger fleet of icebreakers and submarines, while the US is ramping up its Arctic security efforts and NATO support. 气候变化、开辟新的经济和战略机会,以及中国对本区域日益增长的兴趣,使这一竞争进一步复杂化。 This competition is further complicated by climate change, opening new economic and strategic opportunities, and China's growing interest in the region.