北极的温度在冰冻之上飞涨,表明气候出现严重紧急情况,并可能产生全球影响。 Arctic temps soar above freezing, signaling a severe climate emergency and potential global impacts.
北极的气温正在飙升,北极的气温高于冰冻,令人震惊的反常现象表明气候紧急情况严重。 Arctic temperatures are soaring, with the North Pole experiencing temperatures above freezing, an alarming anomaly signaling a severe climate emergency. 这些气温上升正在引起重大环境变化,并导致极端天气事件。 These rising temperatures are causing significant environmental changes and contributing to extreme weather events. 专家们警告说,北极的这种情况可能会对全球天气模式和生态系统产生深远的影响。 Experts warn that this situation in the Arctic could have far-reaching impacts on global weather patterns and ecosystems.