众议院共和党人最初计划在国会大厦的安全录像中模糊暴徒的脸部,但后来改变了做法,在网上发布了未经编辑的录像。 House Republicans initially planned to blur rioters' faces in Capitol security footage, but reversed course to release unedited footage online.
以议长迈克·约翰逊为首的众议院共和党人最初计划在 1 月 6 日国会大厦安全录像中的 5,000 小时内模糊暴徒的脸部,以防止起诉,但后来改变了计划,理由是后勤方面的挑战和效率的重要性。 House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, initially planned to blur rioters' faces in 5,000 hours of January 6 Capitol security footage to prevent prosecution, but reversed course, citing logistical challenges and the importance of efficiency. 未经编辑的镜头将在网上发布以供公众访问,之前模糊的镜头将在不做任何修改的情况下重新上传。 The unedited footage will be released online for public access, with any previously blurred footage being re-uploaded without alteration. 超过 1,300 人因与国会大厦骚乱有关而受到指控。 Over 1,300 individuals have been charged in connection to the Capitol riot.