2021年民主国民大会突显了1月6日国会暴动对民主的威胁。 2021 Democratic National Convention highlights Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a threat to democracy.
在民主国民大会期间,1月6日的国会暴动成为对民主和自由的威胁的突出特征。 During the Democratic National Convention, the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was prominently featured as a threat to democracy and freedoms. 发言者们分享了当天他们的经历,一个视频蒙太奇展示了暴动者冲进国会大厦造成暴力和破坏的录像。 Speakers shared testimonies of their experiences that day, and a video montage displayed footage of the rioters storming the Capitol, causing violence and damage. 民主党人一直指责前总统唐纳德·特朗普煽动暴民阻止和平移交权力,而共和党人则提出了不同的观点。 Democrats have consistently blamed former President Donald Trump for inciting a mob to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power, while Republicans have offered differing perspectives. 退休的美国国会警察中士阿奎利诺·戈内尔(Aquilino Gonell)作证说,特朗普“背叛”了警察,而众议员安迪·金(Andy Kim)则强调了成为民主看护人的重要性以及团结一致治愈国家的必要性。 Retired U.S. Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell testified that Trump "betrayed" officers, while Rep. Andy Kim highlighted the importance of being caretakers for democracy and the need for unity in healing the nation.