刚果向意大利出口第一批液化天然气货物。 Congo exports first LNG cargo to Italy.
意大利能源公司 ENI 与当地合作伙伴启动刚果液化天然气项目一年后,刚果在推出第一批货物后开始出口液化天然气 (LNG)。 Congo has begun exporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) following the launch of its first cargo load, a year after Italian energy company ENI initiated the Congo LNG project with local partners. 第一批货物将运往意大利进行再气化,随着欧洲大陆在乌克兰入侵后寻求俄罗斯天然气的替代来源,这一新的出口项目预计将为欧洲的能源安全做出贡献。 The first cargo shipment will head to Italy for regassification, and this new export venture is expected to contribute to Europe's energy security as the continent seeks alternative sources to Russian gas following the invasion of Ukraine. 刚果液化天然气项目年产天然气45亿立方米。 The Congo LNG project has an annual capacity of 4.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas.