小费迪南德·马科斯总统签署了《塔塔克·菲律宾法案》和《百岁法案修正案》两项法律,使菲律宾的老年人和当地产品受益。 President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed two laws, the Tatak Pinoy Act and Amendments to the Centenarian Act, benefiting the elderly and local products in the Philippines.
小费迪南德·马科斯总统签署了两项惠及老年人和当地产品的法律。 President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. signed two laws benefiting the elderly and local products into law. 《Tatak Pinoy Act》(RA 11981)是一项法律,旨在加强政府机构和私营部门之间的合作,以促进菲律宾的产品和服务。 One law, the Tatak Pinoy Act (RA 11981), aims to strengthen collaboration between government agencies and the private sector to boost Philippine products and services. 《百岁法案修正案》(RA 11982)向年满 80、85、90 和 95 岁的菲律宾人提供 10,000 比索(178 美元)的现金礼物,并在年满 100 岁时额外赠送 100,000 比索(1,780 美元)的现金礼物老的。 The Amendments to the Centenarian Act (RA 11982) provides a cash gift of P10,000 ($178) to Filipinos upon reaching the ages of 80, 85, 90, and 95, with an additional P100,000 ($1,780) upon turning 100 years old.