英国为加沙的性和生殖保健提供了425万英镑的援助,使11万名妇女受益。 UK provides £4.25m aid for sexual and reproductive healthcare in Gaza, benefiting 110,000 women.
英国提供了 425 万英镑的援助,支持加沙的性和生殖保健,使超过 11 万名妇女受益。 UK provides £4.25m in aid to support sexual and reproductive healthcare in Gaza, benefiting over 110,000 women. 这笔资金将帮助人口基金为弱势妇女和女童提供救生支持,包括社区助产士、经期卫生用品包和清洁分娩包。 The funding will help the UNFPA provide life-saving support to vulnerable women and girls, including community midwives, menstrual hygiene kits, and clean birth delivery kits. 提供援助之际,英国政府呼吁立即停止战斗。 The aid comes as the British government calls for an immediate pause in the fighting.