一支来自伯明翰的全女性团队通过 ISRA-UK 向加沙妇女发送了 3,000 套卫生用品包。 An all-female team from Birmingham sent 3,000 hygiene kits to women in Gaza through ISRA-UK.
一支来自伯明翰的全女性团队向加沙妇女发送了 3,000 套卫生用品包,其中包含卫生巾、湿巾和洗手液等物品。 An all-female team from Birmingham sent 3,000 hygiene kits to women in Gaza, containing items like sanitary towels, wet wipes, and hand sanitiser. 该团队与慈善机构 ISRA-UK 合作,花了一周时间在埃及开罗包装和装载这些物资,然后通过拉法边境运输到加沙。 The team, working with the charity ISRA-UK, spent a week packing and loading the kits in Cairo, Egypt, for transport across the Rafah border into Gaza. 他们旨在通过提供这些必需品来给予战争地区的妇女尊严。 They aimed to give dignity to women in the war-torn region by providing these essential items.