阿联酋向加沙流离失所的巴勒斯坦家庭分发了70吨援助,包括帐篷和必需品。 UAE distributes 70 tonnes of aid, including tents and essentials, to Gaza's displaced Palestinian families.
阿联酋向加沙流离失所的巴勒斯坦家庭分发了70吨援助,包括帐篷和必需品。 The UAE has distributed 70 tonnes of aid, including tents and essentials, to displaced Palestinian families in Gaza. 这项人道主义努力旨在帮助因价格上涨而面临粮食和财政问题的家庭。 This humanitarian effort aims to help families struggling with food and financial issues due to rising prices. 为流离失所者搭建了帐篷和食品包,以缓解在粮食短缺和市场价格高企情况下的日常痛苦。 Shelter tents have been set up for displaced people and food parcels given to alleviate daily suffering amid food shortages and high market prices.