到2034年,金砖国家的百万富翁人数预计将增加。 By 2034, the number of millionaires in BRICS countries is projected to increase.
根据 Henley & Partners 最近的一份报告,到 2034 年,金砖国家的百万富翁数量预计将激增 85%。 The number of millionaires in BRICS countries is expected to surge by 85% by 2034, according to a recent report by Henley & Partners. 由巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非组成的金砖国家集团经历了重大扩张,纳入了伊朗、埃塞俄比亚、埃及、阿联酋和沙特阿拉伯。 The BRICS group, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, underwent a major expansion to include Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. 报告指出,目前这些国家个人持有的可投资财富总额达45万亿美元,其中160万人拥有超过100万美元的可投资资产。 The report states that the total investable wealth currently held by individuals in these countries amounts to $45 trillion, with 1.6 million individuals possessing investable assets over $1 million.