波多黎各陷入了有关疫苗和口罩的激烈公共卫生辩论。 Puerto Rico is entangled in a heated public health debate over vaccines and masks.
波多黎各正在经历一场关于为学童和立法者强制接种疫苗和口罩的激烈公共卫生辩论。 Puerto Rico is experiencing a heated public health debate over mandatory vaccines and face masks for schoolchildren and legislators. 在国会大厦报告出现 COVID-19 病例后,众议院宣布强制使用口罩,随后立法者与医学专家发生冲突,争论加剧。 The debate intensified when legislators clashed with medical experts after the House of Representatives announced the mandatory use of face masks following COVID-19 cases reported in the Capitol building. 一项取消 5 岁以下学童疫苗接种要求的拟议法案进一步加剧了争论,医学专家主张疫苗的安全性和必要性,而其他人则主张父母权利和出于宗教原因的豁免。 A proposed bill to eliminate vaccine requirements for schoolchildren under 5 has further enflamed the debate, with medical experts arguing for the safety and necessity of vaccines, while others argue for parental rights and exemptions for religious reasons.