随着品牌削减产品以专注于畅销产品,美国消费者的选择越来越少。 U.S. consumers have fewer choices as brands prune their offerings to focus on best sellers.
各品牌正在缩减其产品供应,可口可乐停止了其 400 种饮料中的一半,其他各行业的公司也纷纷效仿。 Brands are scaling back their product offerings, with Coca-Cola discontinuing half of its 400 types of drinks and other companies following suit in a variety of industries. 可口可乐正专注于其畅销产品,而连锁超市 Stew Leonard's 等其他企业正在减少从谷物到汽车的产品种类,以简化消费者的选择并提高销售重点。 Coca-Cola is focusing on its best sellers, while other businesses such as Stew Leonard's, a supermarket chain, are reducing the variety of products from cereals to cars to streamline choices for consumers and improve sales focus.