2024年,费用上涨迫使美国人转向价格更便宜的零售商,导致48家零售店和22家餐馆破产。 In 2024, rising costs pushed Americans to cheaper retailers, causing 48 retail and 22 restaurant bankruptcies.
2024年,美国住房和食品价格高企,导致消费者寻找更多价值,向沃尔玛和阿尔迪等零售商交易,选择快餐或家庭烹饪。 In 2024, high housing and food prices in the U.S. led consumers to seek more value, trading down to retailers like Walmart and Aldi and opting for fast food or home cooking. 这一转变导致48个零售破产企业和22个连锁餐馆申请破产,其中挣扎着诸如红龙虾和TGI星期五等老式连锁餐厅。 This shift caused 48 retail bankruptcies and 22 restaurant chains filing for bankruptcy, with older dining chains like Red Lobster and TGI Fridays among those struggling. 沃尔玛(Walmart)和亚马逊(Amazon)看到增长,而 " 目标 " 和 " 星巴克(Starbucks) " 则由于消费者习惯的变化和经济压力而面临挑战。 Walmart and Amazon saw growth, while Target and Starbucks faced challenges due to changing consumer habits and economic pressures.