在《明尼阿波利斯迪士尼冰上》中扮演贝尔的滑冰者在升降机中受伤,情况危急;显示继续。 Skater portraying Belle in Disney On Ice Minneapolis injured during lift, critical condition; shows to continue.
周六,一名在明尼阿波利斯目标中心举行的迪士尼冰上表演中饰演贝尔的滑冰运动员受伤。 A skater portraying Belle during a Disney On Ice performance at the Target Center in Minneapolis was injured on Saturday. 这起事件发生在双人滑比赛的举重动作中。 The incident occurred during a lift in a pair skating routine. 该滑冰者被送往当地医院接受治疗,目前情况危急。 The skater was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is in critical condition. 尽管发生了这一事件,明尼阿波利斯迪士尼冰上乐园确认演出将按计划继续进行。 Despite the incident, Disney On Ice Minneapolis confirmed that the shows will continue as planned. 粉丝们纷纷向受伤的滑冰运动员致以良好的祝愿。 Fans have been sending well wishes to the injured skater.