女演员Chelsee Healey在“冰上跳舞”训练中受伤后昏倒,但发誓要继续演出。 Actress Chelsee Healey fainted after an injury during "Dancing on Ice" training but vows to continue the show.
Chelsee Healey, 演员兼“冰上跳舞”参赛者, 在训练课中打中尾骨后昏倒, 不得不由她的搭档Andy Buchananan帮助摆脱冰层。 Chelsee Healey, an actress and contestant on "Dancing on Ice," fainted after hitting her tailbone during a training session and had to be helped off the ice by her partner, Andy Buchanan. 尽管发生了这起事件,Healey仍决心继续1月12日开播的节目。 Despite the incident, Healey remains determined to continue the show, which starts on January 12th. 该方案还看到其他参赛者受伤,包括因手腕骨折推迟培训的Mollie Pearce。 The program has seen other contestants face injuries, including Mollie Pearce, who postponed training due to a wrist fracture. Healey希望她的参与将激励她的女儿们。 Healey hopes her participation will inspire her daughters.