两只麦哲伦企鹅幼崽在密歇根州兰辛市的波特公园动物园孵化,标志着它们的父母连续第二次成功繁殖。 2 Magellanic penguin chicks hatched at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan, marking their parents' second consecutive successful breeding.
7 月 16 日和 19 日,两只麦哲伦企鹅幼崽在密歇根州兰辛市波特公园动物园孵化,这是企鹅父母 Jayde 和 Skipper 第二次连续成功繁殖。 2 Magellanic penguin chicks hatched at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, Michigan on July 16 and 19, marking the second consecutive successful breeding for parents Jayde and Skipper. 这是十多年来该动物园首次两颗蛋成功孵化。 This is the first time in over ten years that two eggs have successfully hatched at the zoo. 动物护理团队正在对这些小企鹅进行密切监控,一旦它们成长为青春期企鹅,就会首次公开亮相。 The chicks are being monitored by the animal care team and will make a public debut once they are transitioning to adolescent penguins.