从周五开始,北爱尔兰法院允许拍摄审判判决,而不是广播,以测试未来潜在立法变化的过程。 Starting Fri, Northern Ireland courts allow filming of judgments for a trial, not broadcasted, to test the process for potential future legislative changes.
从周五开始,北爱尔兰法院将首次允许电视摄像机在法庭内拍摄。 Starting on Friday, Northern Ireland courts will allow television cameras to film inside for the first time. 该试播节目旨在拍摄上诉法院的判决过程,不会播出。 This pilot aims to film the delivery of judgments in the Court of Appeal and will not be broadcast. 然而,该视频将用于测试该过程并为未来的决策提供信息。 However, the video will be used to test the process and inform future decisions. 在某些情况下,英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士已经允许在法庭上进行广播,但未来在北爱尔兰引入这一做法的任何决定都需要立法修改。 Broadcasting in courts is already allowed in England, Scotland, and Wales under certain circumstances, but any future decision to introduce this in Northern Ireland would require legislative changes.