Belfast法官拒绝PSNI在恐怖主义调查中的录像请求,保护新闻自由。 Belfast judge denies PSNI's footage request in terrorism investigation, protecting press freedom.
一名贝尔法斯特法官拒绝了北爱尔兰警察局关于2023年4月在伦敦德里举行的持不同政见的共和复活节纪念活动中与骚乱有关的媒体录像的请求。 A Belfast judge has denied the Police Service of Northern Ireland's request for media footage related to disturbances at an April 2023 dissident republican Easter commemoration in Londonderry. PSNI寻找录像协助一项恐怖主义调查,但媒体组织认为这将威胁新闻自由和记者的安全。 The PSNI sought the footage to aid a terrorism investigation, but media organizations argued it would threaten press freedom and the safety of journalists. 法官裁定,警方没有证明这段录像的实质性价值,标志着新闻自由获得重大胜利。 The judge ruled that the police did not demonstrate the footage's substantial value, marking a significant win for press freedom.