公元前 男子因未收到联邦回扣而与热泵安装公司发生纠纷,赢得了 4,600 美元的赔偿。 B.C. man wins $4,600 dispute against heat pump installation company over unreceived federal rebates.
不列颠哥伦比亚省民事解决法庭向 Gerald Lysyk 判给热泵安装公司 Thomson Industries Ltd 4,600 美元。Lysyk 聘请 Thomson Industries 在他的家中安装热泵,该家承诺有资格获得加拿大绿色家园补助金 (CGHG) 。 The Civil Resolution Tribunal of British Columbia has awarded Gerald Lysyk $4,600 against heat pump installation company, Thomson Industries Ltd. Lysyk had hired Thomson Industries to install a heat pump in his home which was promised to be eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG). 然而,热泵不符合资格,导致 Lysyk 损失了 4,000 美元的 CGHG 费用和 600 美元的能源审计回扣。 However, the heat pump did not qualify, leading Lysyk to lose the $4,000 for the CGHG and $600 for an energy audit rebate. 仲裁庭得出结论,Thomson Industries Ltd. 违反了《货物销售法》中的默示保证,必须向 Lysyk 支付 4,600 美元的损害赔偿金。 The tribunal concluded that Thomson Industries Ltd. breached the implied warranty under the Sale of Goods Act and had to pay Lysyk the $4,600 in damages.