德里高等法院命令GAIL向Jindal Saw支付7M美元,维持一项仲裁裁决。 Delhi High Court orders GAIL to pay $7M to Jindal Saw, upholding an arbitration award.
德里高等法院驳回了GAIL对一项仲裁裁决的上诉,该上诉命令印度天然气公用事业公司向Jindal Saw有限公司支付约700万美元。 The Delhi High Court has rejected GAIL's appeal against an arbitration award, ordering the Indian gas utility to pay approximately USD 7 million to Jindal Saw Ltd. 争议可追溯到2002年,涉及管道交付的延误。 The dispute dates back to 2002 and involves delays in pipe deliveries. 法院裁定,GAIL应对拖延负责,并维持仲裁裁决的有效性,从而结束了支持Jindal Saw的长期法律问题。 The court ruled that GAIL was responsible for the delays and upheld the validity of the arbitration award, ending the long-standing legal issue in favor of Jindal Saw.