由于基本金属、电信和公用事业板块下跌,S&P/TSX 综合指数下跌 13.51 点。 S&P/TSX composite index fell 13.51 points due to losses in base metal, telecom, and utilities sectors.
在早盘交易中,标准普尔/多伦多证券交易所综合指数下跌,因为科技股的上涨被基本金属、电信和公用事业等行业的下跌所抵消。 In late-morning trading, the S&P/TSX composite index experienced a decline as technology gains were countered by losses in sectors including base metal, telecommunications, and utilities. 该指数报20,944.23点,下跌13.51点。 The index stood at 20,944.23 with a 13.51 point drop. 相比之下,美国股市走高,道琼斯工业平均指数上涨150.20点。 In contrast, the U.S. stock markets moved higher, with the Dow Jones industrial average increasing by 150.20 points.