洛杉矶级潜艇帕萨迪纳号在诺福克海军基地进行定期维护。 USS Pasadena, a Los Angeles-class submarine, undergoes scheduled maintenance at Naval Station Norfolk.
洛杉矶级快速攻击潜艇帕萨迪纳号正在诺福克海军基地进行维护。 The USS Pasadena, a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine, is undergoing maintenance at Naval Station Norfolk. 与大约 60 艘其他现役美国海军潜艇一样,这些潜水器可以在深处运行数月,一旦潜入水中就很少被发现,只会浮出水面获取补给。 Along with around 60 other active U.S. Navy submarines, these submersibles can operate for months from the deep and are seldom seen once they dive, only surfacing for supplies. 帕萨迪纳号航空母舰完成任务的能力对其生存至关重要,这强调了及时维护和补给的重要性。 The ability of the USS Pasadena to complete its mission is critical to its survival, emphasizing the importance of timely maintenance and supplies.