美国核潜艇 " 亚历山大 " 号考察南朝鲜釜山,以加强海上合作。 USS Alexandria, a U.S. nuclear sub, visits Busan, South Korea, to enhance naval cooperation.
一艘美国核动力潜艇(美国亚历山大号)访问了韩国釜山,提供补给和船员休息。 A U.S. nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Alexandria, visited Busan, South Korea, for supplies and crew rest. 这艘洛杉矶级潜艇的访问旨在增强美国和南朝鲜海军之间的合作和防御准备状态。 This Los Angeles-class submarine's visit aims to boost cooperation and defense readiness between U.S. and South Korean navies. 这是今年美国潜艇第三次访问釜山, 继11月美国驻哥伦比亚办事处之后。 It is the third U.S. submarine visit to Busan this year, following the USS Columbia in November.