HMS Cardiff号第二型26型护卫舰在格拉斯哥的BAE Systems船坞漂浮,以进一步改装。 HMS Cardiff, the second Type 26 frigate, was floated off at BAE Systems shipyard in Glasgow for further outfitting.
HMS Cardiff是皇家海军8艘26型护卫舰的第二艘护卫舰,在格拉斯哥BAE Systems船坞被移到一艘驳船,进行浮离过程。 HMS Cardiff, the second of eight Type 26 frigates for the Royal Navy, was moved to a barge for a float-off process at the BAE Systems shipyard in Glasgow. 这种现代、高效和低风险的方法将淹没反潜艇战护卫舰,然后它返回院子里进行进一步的改装、系统安装和测试。 This modern, efficient, and low-risk method will submerge the anti-submarine warfare frigate before it returns to the yard for further outfitting, system installation, and testing. 这艘价值 12 亿英镑的军舰预计将于 2028 年至 2030 年代中期服役,将在保护英国的航空母舰和三叉戟潜艇方面发挥作用。 The £1.2bn warship, expected to enter service between 2028 and mid-2030s, will play a role in protecting the UK's aircraft carriers and Trident submarines.