明尼苏达州居民可以每月订购免费的 COVID-19 自检,并快速获得结果。 Minnesota residents can order free monthly COVID-19 self-tests with rapid results.
明尼苏达州居民每月可以订购一次免费的 COVID-19 自检,售完即止。 Minnesota residents can order free COVID-19 self-tests once a month while supplies last. 家庭检测有助于检测引起 COVID-19 的病毒,快速提供结果,并有助于个人保护和预防病毒传播。 At-home tests help detect the virus causing COVID-19, provide quick results, and contribute to individual protection and prevention of the virus's spread. 家庭测试可以通过网站或拨打热线电话订购。 The home tests can be ordered through the website or by calling a hotline. 建议用户验证测试套件上的有效期,因为某些测试已获得延期。 Users are advised to verify the expiration date on the test kits, as some tests have received extensions.