美国食品和药物管理局批准了9项同时检测流感和COVID-19的测试,提供快速结果. FDA approves nine tests for simultaneous flu and COVID-19 detection, offering quick results.
美国食品和药物管理局批准了9种无处方检测,可以同时检测流感和COVID-19,在15到30分钟内提供结果. The FDA has approved nine over-the-counter tests that can detect both flu and COVID-19 simultaneously, providing results within 15 to 30 minutes. 这些试验可以作为抗原或分子选择,帮助个人就治疗和预防措施作出知情决定,以防止病毒传播。 These tests, available as antigen or molecular options, help individuals make informed decisions about treatment and precautions to prevent spreading the viruses. 了解是否有A、B或COVID-19流感,可以指导抗病毒药物的使用,如Paxlovid或Tamiflu,并能够更快地采取隔离措施保护他人。 Knowing whether one has influenza A, B, or COVID-19 can guide the use of antiviral medications like Paxlovid or Tamiflu, and enable quicker isolation measures to protect others.