美国食品和药物管理局批准自收集HPV测试用于宫癌查,以提高可访问性. FDA approves self-collection HPV tests for cervical cancer screening to improve accessibility.
美国食品和药物管理局批准了用于宫癌查的自取HPV检测,允许患者在医疗机构收集自己的阴道样本. The FDA has approved self-collection HPV tests for cervical cancer screening, allowing patients to gather their own vaginal samples in healthcare settings. 这些工具箱现在被运到医生办公室,目的是加强妇女,特别是被筛选不足的妇女的检查无障碍。 These kits are now being shipped to doctors' offices, aiming to enhance screening accessibility for women, especially those who are under-screened. 大约30%的美国妇女没有接受检查,三分之二的宫颈癌病例来自这一群体。 Approximately 30% of American women are not screened, with two-thirds of cervical cancer cases arising from this group. 建议每三至五年为特定年龄组定期进行筛查。 Regular screening is recommended every three to five years for specific age groups.